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May 10, 2010



Well said, my brother. I was lucky enough to not only meet Frank at that SD con (Billy Tucci posted of photo of all of us on his Facebook page) but to get a drawing from him that he inscribed with a dedication that will inspire me for a lifetime. He was a true talent and more so a gentleman who truly deserves the legendary status that will now fulfill his destiny. A god has fallen, never to return or be replaced. RIP Frank Frazetta.

Tim Bradstreet

Thanks for alerting me to this news this morning, Joe. We are all Frank's children in a way, the one's not squabbling for a piece of him because we already got ours ;) You've told me about that dedication before and that is MOST special. What a treasure! We will keep the faith ;) - TB


He was the Frank Sinatra, Marlon Brando and Babe Ruth of our industry. A giant.

Beto González

man. to be honest i didnt know FRAZETTA before today. but I do understand what do you mean talking about him like that. really inspiring the way you write.

cheers mate.

Tom Plassa

I'm crushed. I'm an art student who lives in PA and a few years ago I found out he lived not far away so my wife and I hopped in the car and made a pilgrimage to see his gallery on his estate. It was magical. I had the honor to chat with Ellie, his wife who was running the gallery and she charmed me with stories and gave me a tiny glimpse of the man behind the Glamour. I grew up dreaming that one day I might be an illustrator also and now, greatly inspired by that trip, I find myself as an adult, going back to school to pursue my dream that started when I was a young boy staring in wonder at his paintings. Thank you for the courage and inspiration Frank. It changed my life. We'll miss you.


Cheers, Tom.
Great story ;)


Great story Tim. I would have murdered that s.o.b.knocked my Frazetta book into the snow.
I carried those books around with me as a kid as well and I too still have the tattered remains of most sitting in my bookcase alongside the newer Icon editions of Frank's work.
I do think his influence is in visible in your work in as much as you both are masterful at capturing essence.
Frazetta captured that crackle in the air.
You do the same but in a different, I suppose more modern, way.
What I mean to say is the common link between the two of you is you can see the characters in your art breath. You can feel them breath.
And to me that's moving. That's the magic.


I almost had that Egyptian Princess tattooed on my arm but the artist didn't like the peice!
I'd still like to get that peice done.

Retro Jordans

Hi...Your article really got me thinking man..... an intelligent piece ,I must say.

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I don’t have anything else to include on to your article – you basically spelled everything out. great read.

Stephen Hart

I just found out yesterday that Frazetta had passed away. He's long been my favourite fantasy artist and this is a real shame. Your blog was written from the heart and had me nodding along in several pieces. I loved the story you told of the convention and the awe he inspired. A great story. Thanks for sharimg. Regards Stephen

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R.I.P.... His work will live forever.

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